Construction Of Roads And Airfields

Северо-Кавказский строительный
Zachkaya - Max. 3 years 10 months.
Based on Class 9: Essentially, 3 years, 10 months. Five years, four months. 5 years 4 months
Future qualifications

This is the level of training for graduates of secondary special and higher education institutions. Bachelor ' s, specialist or master ' s qualifications are assigned to students who have completed higher vocational education programmes. The Bachelor ' s degree allows access to a master ' s degree and the qualifications of a specialist and master to postgraduate studies.

The technicians and colleges receive basic or advanced training. The title of qualifications depends on the professional area. Pedagogical education involves the training of teachers, teachers or educators, medical-- midwives, feldshers, art education, an actor, an artist, a modeler. In all other areas, graduates are assigned the qualifications of technicians, technologists, technologist (base level) or senior technician, senior technologist, senior technologist, specialist (upgraded level).


Future professions
What are they gonna teach?
  • Road and airfield design
  • Participate in the design of transport facilities and their components on roads and airfields
  • Provide project documentation
  • Organization of work on road construction materials
  • Make calculations of technical and economic indicators for the construction and repair of roads and airfields
  • Work on roads and airfields
  • Maintain roads and airfields in spring- and autumn periods
  • Assess and analyse the state of roads and airfields and their structures
  • Develop a process to repair all types of road surfaces
  • It is self-sustaining to choose road construction materials based on an analysis of their properties for specific application

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