Construction Of A Long House With His Hands
The starter, who just bought the land, has to think about the construction of a small house. The construction materials shall be selected taking into account the funds available to the developer. Small-scale projects are built on carcasing technology borrowed by Russians from Western builders. Additional savings can be obtained if a carcasing house is built with its own hands with one or two sub-paid assistants. This Construction technology It also attracts the speed of construction. In a few weeks, the facility can be built and, after completion of the work, it can be operated. The construction of walls facilitated by the use of modern warmers does not require a strong foundation. The complexity of the construction of walls, floors and inter-ethnic closures conceals engineering communications.
Let us look at the two-stage carcasing house to consider the main stages of its construction with our hands. The size of the facility is 5 metres per 10 metres. The thickness of the contaminant placed in a wooden carcas cell is 15 cm.
The land area remained a tent foundation from the previous building, which was 5 to 7 metres. In order to save the materials, the developer decided to use the existing foundation by increasing the area of the house through the installation of three brick pillars. As a result, a combined foundation was constructed with 5 metres wide and 10 metres long.
It's important! If the old foundation is used, it is recommended that it be released perimeter from the ground to a half-metre of the interior. Installation of modern hydro-insulate formulations on the walls, as well as protection against the destructive moisture and the temperatures of hydrosteclysis. The nearfoundation space is then filled with sand, sealed and filled with excavated soil.

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