Construction Of A Young Family

Attention! Changes have been made to the " Housing for Young Families " subprogramme of the federal housing subprogramme for 2015-2020 (see text with excitation)
Advice on participation in the " Housing for Young Families " sub-programme of the federal targeted " Housing " programme is provided by the Department of Social Support of the Urban District " Gorod Kaliningrad " at 2,36010, Kaliningrad, Pobeda Prospect, 42, Cabinet 11.
Admitted days:
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., break from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.;
- Premier days from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., break from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.;
Saturday, Sunday, holidays, weekends.
Reference telephones:
State support for young families in the purchase (construction) of housing under the " Housing for Young Families " subprogramme of the federal targeted housing programme for 2015-2020 is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the Provision of Social Benefits to Young Families for the purchase and use of housing (construction) (approved by Government Decision No. 1050 (referred to No. 466)
II. Programme mechanism
Social payments are used for:
(a) Acquisition of a dwelling under the contract of sale;
(b) The payment of a construction contract for the construction of an individual dwelling;
(c) The implementation of the last payment of a full premium in the event that a young family or one of the spouses in a young family is a member of a housing, housing, digging cooperative, after payment that the living accommodation will take over from that young family;
(g) The payment of an initial contribution on the receipt of housing, in other words mortgages (remuneration) for the purchase of a dwelling or the construction of an individual dwelling.
(d) The payment of a contract with the authorized organization for the purchase of an economic class on the primary housing market for the benefit of a young family, including the payment of the price of the contract for the sale of a dwelling (in cases where contracted with the authorized organization) and (or) the payment of the services of that organization;
! construction of individual housing at home, with the exception of other interest, fines and foams for the late implementation of these loans.
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