Technology In Construction

Новый циркулярный мобильный 3D-принтер строит дома быстро и эффективно

Archive of Hands ‘Stroveal Technologies’

Today, building houses through 3D prints is one of the most promising trends in the industry. There have been many construction 3D printers of different designs and sizes. Recently, another 3D printer was added to them, which is not only a design but also a way to build a house, more economical and fast.

It would be logical to think that the more sunlight hits a photovoltaic panel, the more electricity is generated.Лондонские ученые представили новую гибридную солнечную систему для домов In practice, however, this is far from true, solar photos are heated and losing part of their effectiveness. But scientists from Brunel University in London have come up with a new application of solar heat that heats solar panels - they have created a hybrid system that transforms the whole roof into a solar generator.

The traditional yurt is a portable, round tent, covered by shaves and used as a dwelling by nomadic nomads in the degrees of Central Asia.Новые экологичные и доступные по цене сборные дома-юрты Many compare the yurts with the Vigwams that have previously been built by many Indian tribes. And recently, the architectural company Aurora of Colorado presented a model of a prefabricated house, which is a modern interpretation of traditional law.

Vertical gardens, of course, look beautiful, styled, and most importantly modern. But they usually require constant maintenance, even if they are fully or partially automated. But recently, one company in the city greening and upgrading of Treebox submitted a new solution for a vertical garden that does not need electricity for operation. Moreover, plants in the Rain Garden plant are poured exclusively by rainwater.

I guess every one of us, as a kid, was a sand castle builder, which, unfortunately, was best suited for ants or snails. Would you like to live in a real sand castle, too? The Netherlands recently opened two hotels on local beaches, fully constructed of sand. These facilities, which are inspired by Swedish and Finland ' s ice houses and named SandHotel, place the very notion of beach rest at a very new level.

Rain Garden: вертикальный сад, который не потребляет электроэнергию В Нидерландах открылись две гостиницы, построенные из песка Новая конструкция в стиле оригами может быть использована для строительства зданий и мостов На Филиппинах построен первый в мире 3D-печатный отель люкс

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