Construction Of Wing Basins

pereliv1.1A profitable country house in the modern sense of comfort is necessarily subject to the presence of an internal or external basin, which has been built from the beginning. Stationary basins are not only aesthetic pleasure, as luxury objects, well-designed design elements, but also as rehabilitative swimming pools, used for good rest, leisure time, and good physical form.

The construction of basins must be determined with the purpose of destination, as such work is a rather complex multifunctional process that requires some investment and is designed for multi-year operation.

By type of appointment, these facilities can be divided into four groups:
Sports basins;
Children ' s basins;
- health, special;
- cooling pools in bananas or saunas.

The design of the basins and the location of the future facility is equally important. New modern technologies It is now possible to place such a complex mechanism and construction at the request of the customer and in the house, and on the street and in a separate building, for example, if a bath is being built, it is also appropriate to plan together and to buy pools.

Depending on the filtering system and the way the water is harvested, the following types of basins exist: immeasurable and bulky.
As you decide to be one of the happiest basin owners in your home, give a good look at all the options, consult with the specialists to find the best option.

perelivnoy2The interlayer pool is considered to be the most expensive compared to the rest of the devices, but such systems provide the highest quality of water treatment and delivery. It's finally a comfortable, clean and warm pool.
The most advantageous and justifiable use of pool transfusion systems is when the planned pool is large or has a large number of visitors. This structure looks more attractive. A quiet water transfusion across the perimeter creates a special charm.

1. Filtr
2. Manometer
3. Multiposition valve
4. Return valve
5. Circulating pump6. Water flow counter
7. Water level sensor
8. Frequency tank
9. Water trap
10. Canal Plum
11. Tenderloin
12. Dust pump connection form
13. Pulse jelly

14. Water harvesting

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