Ministry Of Construction And Craft

Министерство строительства и

The Ministry is responsible for:

  • to formulate and implement public policies and regulations in the areas of construction, architecture, urban development and housing;
  • the provision of public services, the management of public property in the construction, urban and housing sectors;
  • to coordinate the activities of the Federal Fund for the Promotion of Housing Development, the State Corporation, the Fund for the Promotion of Reform of SCH and the State Corporation of the Olympics, the General Directorate of State Studies.

Minister of Construction and Housing[manage]

  • Federal Autonomous Agency, Federal Centre for Pricing and Construction Materials.
  • Federal Budget Institution Central Science and Technology Library for Building and Architecture.
  • Federal autonomous institution, Federal Centre for Normalization, Standardization and Technical Conformity Assessment in Construction.
  • Federal Autonomous Educational Institution for Supplementary Vocational Education, State Academy of Advanced Training and Retraining for Construction and Housing Complex.
  • Federal autonomous agency, Department of State Studies.
  • Federal Treasury Department of the Federal Investment Programmes of the Ministry of Construction and Housing of the Russian Federation.
  • Federal treasury of the Sanct Petersburg complex of the Ministry of Construction and Housing of the Russian Federation.
  • Federal State Budget Institution of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences Research Institute.
  • Federal State Budget Institution Central Research and Project Institute of the Ministry of Construction and Housing of the Russian Federation.
  • Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences.

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