Construction News

Президент России Владимир Путин на заседании Госкомиссии, которая выясняет причины переноса пуска ракеты-носителя Союз-2.1а на космодроме Восточный(revised:


RIA News. The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, reported that criminal proceedings had been initiated in connection with the construction of the East cosmodrome and four persons had been arrested.

"It's a lot done, though there are problems.Ракета-носитель Союз-2.1а с российскими космическими аппаратами в мобильной башне обслуживания на стартовом комплексе космодрома Восточный. 27 апреля 2016 I hope I still have the opportunity to thank the people who worked here in good faith... But I remember that there were a lot of problems, six criminal cases started, four people are under arrest, two are really under house arrest, but if their guilt in the crimes is proven, they'll change the warm home bed to the cold," said Putin.

The Head of State noted, however, that, despite difficulties, the construction of cosmodrome was generally carried out in accordance with the standards.

The President participates in the meeting of the State Commission in connection with the delayed first launch of a launch vehicle with a new Russian cosmodrome in the Amur region.Космодром Восточный в Амурской области. Архив The first launcher in East history, Soyuz-2.1a, with three Russian satellites, was scheduled to start on 27 April at 5.01 a.m., but because of the malfunction of the automated control system, the launch was postponed to a standby date on 28 April.

East began building as the first national civilian space in 2012, the first launch was expected in 2015 but was postponed to spring 2016. Construction of the facility There were numerous scandals, criminal cases, the withdrawal of top managers. In April 2015, three construction company leaders were arrested by the court for non-payment of cosmodrome and other abuses.

In early April, the Office of the Attorney-General approved a criminal indictment against the former head of the Delspeztroya, Yuri Hrizmann, for the machinations in the construction of a cosmodrome of 5, 2 billion roubles.

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